I've been out of Bocas for a few days now and I've had some time to reflect on what my time was like there. In a few words: it was the time of my life but exhausting as well.
Bocas is a party town, it feeds off of the inhibitions of the tourists that end up there. I can't count how many times I heard someone say "Who cares? You're in Bocas!", or something along those lines. This is why the 3 lies of Bocas are so fitting: #1 I'm not drinking tonight (my planned detox days didn't happen), #2 I'm leaving tomorrow (I knew a couple people that didn't leave when they said they would), and #3 I love you (I didn't go a day without some random person on the street telling me I was bontio or beautiful). There was many a Thursday I would show up to Spanish class in rough shape, mostly because I had chosen to partake in 'Ladies Night' at Aqua Lounge the night before. Towards the end of my stay I tried avoiding touristy places like the plague, the same party is only fun so many times, and did my best to hang out with people from school and those locals I had come to know. That's not saying I didn't take part in a good party when the opportunity arose. My second last night in Bocas was proof of that! All I'll say about that night is 1 tequila, 2 tequila, 3 tequila,... That was my best night in Bocas but the next morning was also the worst. Self inflicted but when in Bocas...
Now I'm sure there's a part of you thinking 'No wonder she's exhausted. Partying every other night will do that to a person!' You wouldn't be wrong either, but the exhaustion felt in Bocas is so much more than just the physical from partying, for me there was the mental exhaustion from constantly being on guard. I never once felt unsafe, but there were times were I did feel uncomfortable, being a light-haired, blue-eyed, white girl in this country puts a bit of a target on your back. At the risk of scaring a few people, there were cases of people being robbed while I was in Bocas, and right before I left for Panama a couple girls from Holland went missing in Boquete. It was a very sobering reminder that bad things can happen to good people. I am so grateful I had a good group of friends where we would look out for eachother. I consider myself lucky to have left Bocas with all my valuables and only happy memories.
On a less serious note, I can't reiterate enough the great times I had in Bocas (if you need a reminder, just check out my previous posts :P). I'm already looking forward to the next time I get to walk down those familiar streets, take a water taxi, and buy guava in the park. Bocas will always have a special place in my heart, it's the first place in this big wide world I ventured out into on my own, the first place I dove, and the first place I never wanted to leave.
Although this post may sound quite sad, the more I'm looking into what I can do and see in Australia, the more excited I am to go there! My worldly adventure is 1/3 complete, I can't wait to see what the next parts bring!
I'm going to miss this!!