Possibly the last instalment in this series, although I'm sure there are things at home I've completely forgotten about that will rapidly get a big ole hug once I'm there.
#16 Local Knowledge: Although learning is part of the fun of travelling, having some specific knowledge is always handy. Knowing what areas of a town to avoid as a solo female is number one on that list. Luckily for me I had friends with me 99.9% of the time. I do like some alone time every now and then though, and even walking down the street after dinner could potentially be sketchy. Some of the supermarket practices in Bocas would have been nice to know right away (unplugged freezers overnight, raw meat, +40 C heat, you do the math). Knowing that tipping isn't expected in Australia was also a nice tid bit of information to learn, especially when food prices are ridiculous in the first place.
#17 Home Grown Feminine Products: Sorrys boys, I know how squeamish this subject makes most of you. As I was going to be gone for 5 months, it did not make sense to pack that much supply, it would take up too much space. I figured I'd just buy as I go. Now I don't know about other women, but I have a brand and style I like, in an emergency I'll use whatever, but if given the choice I'd use what I know. It's hard to explain without going into great detail. There were a few times in Bocas I had a tough time even locating them in the supermarket, I wasn't sure they'd even work, and Australia is just on a whole different level of products. It's weird I know but I think there are some women out there who would agree with me.
#18 Domestic Travel in Australia: Easy, headache free, awesome, and comfortable. My main source of transit in Australia was Greyhound and Qantas and I was fairly pleased with both services. My Greyhound pass was stupid easy. I bought a one-way pass from Cairns to Sydney that lasted 90 days, had as many stops as I wished, and the only rule was no backtracking. Great plus most hostels had a free shuttle pickup and dropoff which made carrying my bags super simple. I only had to share a seat once for half an hour. The coaches had leather seats, reclining seat backs, and if you were lucky free wifi (which worked better than some of the hostels I stayed at). Flying was also extremely simple. No need to show a passport and zero restrictions on your carryon luggage. Well not zero but I could take as much food, water, and liquids on board as I wanted. After flying internationally that made packing so painless.
#19 Movie Night In/Out: I have had a couple movie nights while abroad but not nearly as many as I would at home. For the most part you can't pick which movie you want to watch, and sometimes the DVD you really want to watch is so scratched up the player can't read it. Summer is the time for the big Hollywood blockbusters and I haven't seen a single one. If anyone has/wants to go see How to Train Your Dragon 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or any other movie that was great this summer, please let me know as I will have tons of time on my hands once I'm home!
#20 Travelling Within Canada: I talked to so many Australians that had never travelled within their own country. People don't explore their own country, they go abroad first and then stick to their own towns or cities. I thought this was incredibly sad as I know so many people back home who have been all over our nation. I can't imagine not having been to the mountains, lakes, and cities with friends and family, it just seems like a no brainer. I know I still have many places in this big world to explore but sometimes finding new spots in your own backyard is the best.
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